Monday 28 April 2008

reply to truanting

I agree with and her opinions on truancy. Iv done it quite a bit especially when I was in year 11 and could just walk out the school gates !! Despite this it never realy jeopodised my school work but possibly my GCSE's. I usually done it when I had R.E and science (could they done my head in !) and ended up either in some random park all day or someones house. I found this quote on the blog very interesting,

'It becomes bad and harmful behaviour, when a child is skipping school because of fear this could be linked in with the bullying. A child too scared to go to school, because of this needs to be assessed and the problem dealt with.'
Where as wagging school was fun to me, for many its the only way to escape from bullies, intimidation and fear.

Tuesday 15 April 2008


In response to I also feel really sorry for Cheryl Cole. Not only is her husband a cheat but now the media and so the whole world has found out about it- so shes both heartbroken and embarrased and harassed about it. Amy - the nasty kiss and tell woman should feel disgusted. She slept with a married man and told everyone about it - all for money- HOW DEGRADING ! My advice to Cheryl is LEAVE HIM LOVE YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN HIM ANYWAY !!

body modification

I dont think there is much wrong with tatoos piercings etc. seen as they do not harm or hurt anybody. It depends upon peoples own preference on what they do to their own body(although some things are quite extreme as this picture shows.) This website ( shows all sorts of weird and wonderful pics of people sporting painful looking piercing and tatoos. I have found the following list from which illustrates the most extreme body modification;
Anal stretching
Body piercing -
Branding - controlled burning or cauterizing of tissue to encourage intentional scarring
Breast ironing - Pressing (sometimes with a heated object) the breasts of a pubescent female to prevent their growth.
Eyeball tattooing - Injection of a pigment into the cornea.
Ear shaping (which includes Ear cropping , Ear pointing or "elfing")
Extraocular implant (eyeball jewelry) - The implantation of jewelry in the outer layer of the eye.
Nipple removal
Nipple splitting
Scarification - cutting or removal of dermis with the intent to encourage intentional scarring
Scrotal implants
Subincision - splitting of the underside of the penis, also called urethrotomy
Tongue splitting - bisection of the tongue similar to a snake's
Trepanation- binding of the waist and shaping of the torso
Cranial binding - modification of the shape of infants' heads, now extremely rare
Foot binding - compression of the feet to modify them for aesthetic reasons
elongation of organs by prolonged stretching using weights or spacing devices. Some cultural traditions prescribe for or encourage members of one sex (or both) to have one organ stretched till permanent re-dimensioning has occurred, such as:
The 'giraffe-like' stretched necks (sometimes also other organs) of women among the Burmese Kayan tribe, the result of wearing brass coils around them. This compresses the collarbone and upper ribs but is not medically dangerous. It is a myth that removing the rings will cause the neck to 'flop';
Stretched lip piercings - achieved by inserting ever larger plates, such as those made of clay used by some Amazonian tribes. s part of a ritual for some countries.
Although that seems quite weird and extremely painful as long as it is a personal decision to modify their body I do not see a problem with it.

Friday 11 April 2008

"bad films"

I watched the film fight club for the first time last night so decided to tell you all about it today!!!! it contains the following ;

  • lots of drinking/drugs

  • lots of sex

  • lots of swearing

  • lots and lots of fighting/violence

This is how its described "Fight Club[1] (1996) is the first published novel by American author Chuck Palahniuk. The plot is based on an unnamed protagonist who struggles with his growing discomfort with consumerism and changes in the state of masculinity in American culture. In an attempt to overcome this, he creates an underground fighting club as a radical form of psychotherapy. It was made into a movie of the same name in 1999 by director David Fincher. The movie became a pop culture phenomenon. In the wake of the film's popularity, the novel has become a target of criticism, mainly for its explicit depictions of violence." (

Its a funny film in some aspects but mainly very dark and violent. What makes it so bad is the level of graffic violence that is shown and the opinions the men have on fighting. In the night they kick, punch, bite their oponent until both man cant stand and then rest by watching others do the same (this may sound similar to boxing/wrestling but believe me its not!)

Quotes in the film include;

Tyler Durden: Fight Club was the beginning, now it's moved out of the basement, it's called Project Mayhem.
Tyler Durden: Only after disaster can we be resurrected. Tyler Durden: I want you to do me a favor. Narrator: Yeah, sure... Tyler Durden: I want you to hit me as hard as you can. Narrator: What?... in the face? Tyler Durden: Surprise me. (

I really enjoyed the film although some times I did have to look away. Its definitely worth a watch and the end has a really weird twist-but I wont spoil it !

Tuesday 8 April 2008

olympic riotting - right or wrong

The recent media has been bombarded with pictures and text concerning

rioting and protesting the china olympics. People have died and many others injured as the torch was carried through different countries, usually a uniting, memorable experience but transformed into a terrifying, deadly ordeal.

Although this picketing was most definitely too extreme and should not have gone as far as it did,the desired message was conveyed and will hopefully cause change for the better. I dont think the protesters should have disturbed the olympic celebrations as for many, the occasion (only happening once every four years) is very special and should not have been spoiled.

This website ( describes some of the incidents that occured in and around Tibet.

Sunday 6 April 2008

binge drinking-when is it bad ?

It would be very two faced of me to start criticising binge drinking because iv been lagged and out of it many times (most weekends infact !!) however never in such a state as this picture !! (thats just vile !!) Although I like a drink or two at the weekend I do appreciate that binge drinking does have a large affect on both the drinker as well as the larger community.

I found the following info. from

"The annual cost to employers is estimated to be £6.4 billion while the cost to the NHS is in the region of £1.7bn.
Billions more are spent clearing up alcohol-related crime and social problems.
In addition, alcohol-related problems are responsible for 22,000 premature deaths each year. "

This is just a tiny portion of facts that shows the implications drinking accesively actually causes.

Other implications include;

  • binge drinking resulting to alcoholism

  • binge drinking causing cirrosis to the liver or other organs

  • binge drinking causing lack of memory/ brain damage etc.

Although people (including me) enjoy going out, having a drink etc. a line must be drawn to ensure that the problems I have described are reduced.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

internet dating reply (I forgot last time !!)

Although chatting and making new friends on the internet is just a bit of harmless fun, some people who are looking for more should really be careful and so in response to Lindas blog have a bit of fun but be safe !!!

internet dating- reply

I definitely would'nt recomend internet dating to anyone young niave or gullable ! I suppose the sites are o.k if a chat, flirt and a bit of harmless fun is wanted but I dont think it should ever go any further than that ie meeting up, exchanging numbers etc. unless your 100% sure its safe- which you never can be.
I know that many people have found love and companionship off these sites which is great but unfortunately there are people in this world who make me weary of these sites.
Young or niave people may become threatened on these sites as incorrect information could be given to them.
Sites such as and others which are regulary monitored are safer than just any old mailing place but false information on age, hobbies etc. could be still be given and so again, arranging to meet up is still a bad idea.

Thursday 6 March 2008

masturbation reply

I agree with that masturbation is something best left within your relationship. Lots of American films (such as American Pie) use masturbation and exploit it. The people doing this act in the films are usually the geeky, single males however as Christopher said ' In the world right now there are proberly more people masturbating than there are having sex! ' so this is obviously a misconception. I feel more uncomfortable talking about female masturbation then male. This due to again male masturbation in films shown as comical, and often disasterous (everyone remembers the superglue fiasco in American Pie!!!)

smoking - reply

I definitely agree with Hannahs (http:// response to smoking, the picture she chose an I copied !!! indicates just how glamourous smoking is portrayed as. I do think however that after the recent smoking ban, cigarettes are hardly ever on the television ie characters in soaps etc. hardly ever smoke anymore. This avoids influencing people into the habit, but if your gonna smoke, your gonna smoke and thats the end of it !!

masturbation, or is it ??

Theres a new dance song come out by uniting nations called do it yourself (quite a crappy song but still relevant !) The words are "if you want, you gotta do it yourself" the video shows different peoples faces and it looks like their masturbating (as you can see on the cover.) Watch the video if you can - its not a porno honestly !!! the end is funny.


Shoplifting - is it bad ??? Again I think it depends on the degree. People who steal nappies and food is bad however more justified- these people are desperate and obviously need more help. People who steal just for the fun of it should get in trouble as they do not need the stuff and just do it to look cool or for a buzz !!!! I think that stealing from a large store is still stealing however not as bad as armed robbery or stealing from someone house, the last two are both dangerous and intrusive.




Is stalking bad? well I think it depends entirely on the degree it is happening. Someone just showing an interest and joining the same groups etc. (as we saw on that peep show clip) is acceptable. When an individual becomes personally involved ie constantly textin, emailing, following etc this becomes intrusive and begins to cross the line. Some people in our lecture thought that celebrities were stalked, I dont agree with this completely seen as some celebrities ie Paris Hilton etc. pose and pout at every opportunity if it means gettin in the lime light, however I do think already troubled celebrities ie Britney, Amy etc. should be left alone until their all better!!!!

Thursday 21 February 2008

field trip idea

I think we should go on a "bad tour" Start on a pub crawl, smoke loads of fags go to a casino then discuss how bad we was the day after !!!!!!!